Heathy People, Healthy Community, Healthy Planet
KidsEcoClub helps schools and classrooms start and maintain environmental clubs during and after school. We partner with districts, universities, non-profits, companies, and the government to bring world class, hands-on conservation science and leadership opportunities to K-12 students.
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Great article about one of our favorite programs with Intellectual Capital & @sdschools. Special thank you to… https://t.co/pF7eGbaOQc
The #SteamLeadership program with @sdschools @stevechapple1 is one of our favorite @KidsEcoClub partnerships.… https://t.co/ikEGaYGjvp
RT @MaxGuinnSD: RIP #WalterMunk. Walter’s discoveries include #ocean prediction, early GPS & more. It was my honor to interview Wal… https://t.co/V3RpggwN0Y